Julia Thurnau

The exhibition Water@proof, curated by Noa nahari and Doron Polak at the Fourth Wall Gallery is presenting:

Sleeping mermaid, Latex, silk, wire 370×45 cm, water proof. Latex by XUR. 4500€

ONDINAS, swimming away: 40x20cm, wooden frame with painted C-Print, screenshot of the movie ONDINAS. D.O.P Arturo Smith. 120€

Necessity, Blue Gold: 1,5 L , 1L and 0,5 L Bottle: each etikette showcases a specific political issue, related to water and it’s commercial exploitation. Grafics by Klaus Hackl. 25€ each bottle.

For millions of years, mermaids survived by falling into a deep sleep when traped on dry land. Back in water, they awaken and swimm away.

participating Artists: asaf-gan-hacohen, Matthias Pabsch, Alina Arenal, Nicholé Velásquez, Nicola Rubinstein, Norma Drimmer, Olaf Kühnemann, Suzanna Lauterbach, Victor Sufronovitch, Yair Avivi, Matthias Pabsch, Ofir Dor, Oliver Otto Rednitz, asaf-gan-hacohen, asaf-gan-hacohen, Alina Arenal, ClaudeHilde a.k.a Julia Thurnau

As part of the artist collective ClaudeHildeJulia Thurnau is active as artist, photographer and author. Coming from a multi-cultural family, she speaks french, English and Spanish as well as German. Meshing medial presentation, ClaudeHildes work is questioning proposals and schemes of identity and the economic system in the western world. Identity is reflected as socio-cultural and political category. Thematically, ClaudeHildes work combines existing social debates on normativity, self-determination and the performance of genderidentities.
Currently Julia is investigating the movement of love, completing two double sculptures: The racer & Landing (Cast in bronze) for the collectors Katja Roeder-Breinersdorfer and Fred Breinersdorfer.

Works & Exibitions 2020-23:

Artist at Work , social sculpture, roter Salon, Volksbühne am Rosa Luxemburg PlatzMargarita Breitkreiz, Julia Thurnau & guests.
(Broken)Hymen reconstructed, Tryptichon & C-Prints from the multichanel Installation, C+H=CH. Studio tunnel 19. Guided Tour with Gwendolin Kaesdorf.
Chez Lilly Fotoexhibition in collaboration with Mairie de Fayence reprensented by Alain Bourdereau & Musicians Chloé Cassandre, Germille Music & Mike Düringen, .
(Broken) Hymen reconstructed @ Galerie Orange, Tegernsee. multichannel Installation: C+H=CHPerformance (Broken) Hymen reconstructed. Triptichon & Screenshots. Funded by –STIFTUNGKUNSTFONDS. Curation: Gwendolin Kaesdorf
Rainbow Week @ Haus der Statistik Berlin: C+H = CH, multichanel Installation. Life size sculptures: The Left-handedThe Antagonist, Curation: Gwendolin Kaesdorf.
Claude Hildes Pop-up Galerie is hosting Sprachmaschine retrospective ClaudeHilde. Performance “Sprachmaschine”. Haus der Statistik, Berlin. Daniel Wittkopp, Margarita Breitkreiz, Wowa, Julia Thurnau.