September 2024

Double Meaning

The artistic interpretation of DOUBLE MEANING
Opening at the 4 wall, September 2024
There Is a possibility of understanding artistic work on several levels. The obvious interpretation is the surface and usually it shows the intention of the artist.
Then there is a second understanding which is the one of the views. This is more than the artist intended, we the viewers are getting re out of the work, according to our cultural background and our personal knowledge, This is different from the first level.
There is a big philosophical debate about the traditional answer about how “God is managing the world”. It implies the paradox that man is in control and that he is responsible about all the events that are happening in the world, the rational and the irrational ones in the finite world of ours. Then, on another level, all humankind is dependent upon God. How to solve this dilemma is a question that artists are grappling with.
Nowadays in politics and other civic events, people are using double meaning in their speeches to convey a message that they are afraid to say directly. There is always some institution of power against the individual. Here, as well, is a tension between the absolute and the individual, though in this case they are both man made.
According to the philosopher Uriel Simon “the God determinism does not go together with human freedom because man is not just a tool to execute the planning of God”.
Then there are people who believe only transcendental thinking or God will ensure that human beings will be able to survive their self-destructive
They believe in a Unity who is in “time-less” control and can extend it to the
In this exhibition we will have a journey with every art work. We can get into a dialogue, observe it and interpret it.
We are being directed both ways by the artist. Our conclusion will depend
upon us.

Doron Polak
Norma Drimmer